Link Building Services

Bring more followers

Codea New York works exceptionally in the fast driven new web based strategies, crafted from long term research and development. We understand that you need more than likes, engagement and reach. You need an idea that crafts a direct influence on your brand. We create contents, Graphics focusing on your objectives. Codea New York is the full house digital agency that you always asked for


Bring more engagement

Every sale happens though connection with your audience. We at codea we always strive to reach your prospective clients though posts and contents relevant to them. That way we increase the engagements (Viz. Post likes, Comments, Resharing) on social media.

Bring more traffic

When the traffic towards your site increases it will help to bring more sales and prospective leads. At codea we focus on creating socially relevant and helpful content for the metered audience. We also run targeting ads to push you to the front raw. We bring more conversations about you.

Tell more stories instant

Now you have the most powerful tool to reach billions of users across the world. As it correctly says a picture is worth more than thousand words Instagram is considered as the most effective social media platform for Marketing and Branding.We at codea we ensure that your brand reaches to the required audience and bring more sales.

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Pin more interests on board

Now as a brand owner you can Use the best social media platform for your businesses. It Reach more than 400 million users. By marketing through Pinterest you are reaching a niche of potential audience. Be the part of the ever-growing community.

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Connect more links

When you post a word of your brand in Linkedin It have a potential reach of more than 500 Million prospective customers. Linked in assures you are reaching to educated youth across the globe. That way Codea, New York uses linkedin as the most useful medium for our Social media marketing service.

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Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing